I choose to call it Faith!

Seeing God in the "Little things"
Emmanuel Olomolaiye
Emmanuel OlomolaiyeFriday, 15 August 2014

I spent the whole of August 15, 2014 in Computer Village fixing my laptop. I didn’t get back to school until 8:45pm, then I turned on my laptop and the screen didn’t come on. I checked the VGA cable, that wasn’t the problem, then I opened it and tried to remove my RAM and then plug it back but I couldn’t. Then in between my panic and confusion I chose to pray. The prayer was said short but in faith. The result, long story short, was that my laptop screen came on. The first feeling I get is relief, the first words THANK GOD!!! After the ecstatic emotions die down it begins to occur to me that while trying to remove the RAM I might somehow had managed to fix what was wrong, so maybe it wasn’t so much of a miracle as I had first thought.

Many of such wonderful things have happened to me. And in this same manner I would say “maybe it wasn’t so much of a miracle as I had first thought” but this time the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me. My first instinct, as it is for many, is to figure out a logical explanation for everything that directly affects me. That in itself I did not necessarily see as a problem until I realized how desperate I was to call many of God’s deeds in my life a mere coincidence. Often times when the argument of whether or not an occurrence was a miracle comes up in my head, I would say that it doesn’t matter. But really in the long run it does, because God’s hand doesn’t seem so vivid when I look back at most of those situations. There have been so many miracles in my life but I can hardly remember many of them because I often say “maybe it wasn’t so much of a miracle as I had first thought” but today the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me take his work for granted. I am writing this to register in my head that what just happened to me was a BIG MIRACLE.

Here I state my resolve to change my first instincts from finding logical explanations for acts of God to acknowledging his profound interest in my affairs, because it has become obvious that even if God brought me back from the dead a logical explanation would still surface. Therefore I , and as many as would care to join me, choose to call it faith at work, and from now on the word coincidence seizes to have meaning.

“Auspicious identifies me!” I coined that phrase almost six months after writing this article. Someone asked me about it as my WhatsApp status recently. I told her how I had come to realize how obsessed God was with me. I realized this morning that the resolve I made that day changed my perspective, it allowed me to see his hand in my life.