
Building on your flaws
Emmanuel Olomolaiye
Emmanuel OlomolaiyeMonday, 27 May 2024

Humility isn’t humiliation.

It is the peak of self awareness, where you know and accept your incapacity without beating yourself up about it.

Once you set your pride/ego aside, you’re freed from the burden of keeping up with something you’re not just because you can’t face being bad at it. Once you become humble, you can actually focus on becoming better at the things you want to take pride in.

You don’t have to show or express your incapacity to others though. People are generally keen to take advantage of perceived weakness, so feel free to pretend with others if you must. The important thing is to be honest with yourself about your flaws without putting yourself down. Your flaw is an opportunity to improve and not a malfunction to be ashamed of.